Medieval university buildings and bursae in Vienna
Original map Nr. AUA 8549 from Richard Perger Friedmund Hueber in the Archive of the University of Vienna. The map shows the district near Stubentor with the numbering of houses according to the Hofquartierbuch from 1566. In this area are situated the colleges, bursae and coderies of the university.
The university buildings are shaded, the bursae framed. Some of the most important buildings:
Collegium ducale (Duke's College, 1385-1623 central building of the University of Vienna): Nr. 1151 A, B u. C
Neue Schule (Nova structura, erected 1422-1425): Nr. 1150 A, B u. C
Karzer (prison for students): Nr. 1149
Studentenspital, since 1521 Library (1623 demolished): Nr. 1098 A
Paulusburse or Bursa Haidenhaim: Nr. 1097
Lammburse (Bursa Agni): Nr. 1121
Bruckburse: Nr. 1122
Lilienburse: Nr. 1137
Schlesierburse: 1140
Rosenburse: Nr. 1146
Kodrei Goldberg: Nr. 1155
Ärztehaus (building of the medical school 1440-1525): Nr. 936
Juristenschule (building of the law school ): Nr. 1014
Studienanstalt des Zisterzienserordens (from time to time used as home for poor students): Nr. 982
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