Theodor Innitzer, o. Prof. Dr. theol., Dr. jur. h.c.
25.9.1875 – 9.10.1955
born in Neugeschrei, Bohemia | Nové Zvolání, Czech Republic
died in Wien, Austria
Ehrung | Titel | Datierung | Fakultät | |
Honorary Doctorate | Dr. jur. h.c. | 1935/36 | Faculty of Law and State |
Theodor Innitzer erhielt am 7. März 1936 das Ehrendoktorat der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien (Dr. jur. h.c.). |
Badge of Honor | Ehrenz. | 1950/51 | Faculty of Catholic Theology |
Theodor Innitzer erhielt 22. Dezember 1950 das Ehrenzeichen der Universität Wien. |
Scholarships/Awards/Foundations | Kardinal-Innitzer-Studienfonds | 1951 | Faculty of Catholic Theology |
Scholarships/Awards/Foundations | Kardinal-Innitzer-Preis | 1971 | Faculty of Catholic Theology |
Senator | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1917/18 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1918/19 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1923/24 |
Rector | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1928/29 |
Dean | Faculty of Catholic Theology | 1931/32 |
- Roman Catholic Theology
- New Testament Studies
- Exegesis
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 02/15/24
Theodor Innitzer (1875–1955), student of the Vienna Priestsʼ Seminary
The Catholic-theological Faculty of the University of Vienna (including Theodor Innitzer and Ignaz Seipel)
Theodor Innitzer (1875–1955), rector 1928/29
Theodor Innitzer (1875–1955), Roman Catholic Theology, New Testament Studies
Deans and rector of the academic year 1928/29 in the newly invented gowns
from right to left.: dean Leopold Arzt (Faculty of Medicine), dean Leopold Krebs (Faculty of Catholic Theology), rector Theodor Innitzer , dean...
Enthronement of the Archbishop of Vienna, Dr. Theodor Innitzer
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150th anniversary celebrations of the General Hospital, May 18, 1935
Festgäste im Hof des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses , darunter Bundespräsident Wilhelm Miklas und Kardinal Theodor Innitzer (vorne) sowie...
Awarding ceremony of the honorary doctorate to Theodor Innitzer
Unter den Festgästen Bundespräsident Wilhelm Miklas