Viktor (Victor) Edler von Lang, Prof. Dr.
2.3.1838 – 3.7.1921
born in Wiener Neustadt, Austria
died in Wien, Austria
Ehrung | Titel | Datierung | Fakultät | |
Monument in arcaded court | 1929 | Faculty of Philosophy |
Dean | Faculty of Philosophy | 1870/71 |
Senator | Faculty of Philosophy | 1880/81 |
Senator | Faculty of Philosophy | 1881/82 |
Rector | Faculty of Philosophy | 1883/84 |
Rector | Faculty of Philosophy | 1889 |
- Physics
- Crystallography
- Mineralogy
- Faculty of Philosophy
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 03/27/24
Monument of Viktor von Lang (1838–1921) in the Arkadenhof of the University of Vienna, sculptured by Hans Bitterlich
weitere Informationen siehe u:monuments
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