The search found 2331 results in 0.03 seconds.
Search results
Johann Altzheim
Karl Rimely
4.2.1825–13.1.1904 -
Franz Theobald Freiherr von Rizy
11.2.1807–18.5.1872 -
Erica Tietze-Conrat
20.6.1883–12.12.1958 -
Auguste Nélaton
17.6.1807–21.9.1873 -
Erich Miksch
1.8.1901–20.10.1970 -
Karl Granelli
21.2.1671–3.3.1739 -
Leopold Schlecht
1.11.1797–16.8.1866 -
Robert F. Engle
10.11.1942 -
Roger Bruce Myerson
29.3.1951 -
Richard Balthasar Wasicky
6.2.1884–9.8.1970 -
The first habilitations of women at the University of Vienna
1905–1957 -
Science at the University of Vienna from the 18th to the 19th century
18th Cent.–19th Cent. -
Gabriel (Johann Baptist) Güntner
8.3.1804–17.3.1867 -
Magnus Huss
22.10.1807–22.4.1890 -
Nikolaus Ritt
20th Cent. -
Walter J. Gutjahr
1953 -
Manuela Baccarini
12.3.1957 -
Isaac P. Witz
7.11.1934 - 1