Sitzstreik Wiener Studierender vor dem Unterrichtsministerium gegen die Erhöhung der Studiengebühren Students and teachers as political actors in the 19th and 20th centuries 1848–2009 Teachers and students of the University of Vienna acted as political actors in manifold ways during the 19th and 20th centuries.12 Articles
caricature on students programm vs. students pogrom 1933 Anti-Semitism at the University of Vienna 1421–2006 Anti-Semitism and German Nationalism were already rampant among members of the University of Vienna before National Socialism came to power in Austria in March 1938.14 Articles
Theodor Billroth (1829–1894), Chirurgie “Furor teutonicus and racial hate” 1867–1893 In 1867 renowned surgeon Theodor Billroth was appointed to the Second Surgical Clinic of the University of Vienna. His school...
Festzug Chargierter mit der Universitätsfahne im Rahmen der 600-Jahrfeier der Universität Wien Student corporations in the 19th and 20th century 19.Jhdt–20.Jhdt Fraternities, both völkisch and Catholic, have a – for Austrian conditions – long history at the University of Vienna. This...