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Search results
Rectors’ plaque, detail 1937–1948
Franz Stein
Ignaz Seipel
19.7.1876–2.8.1932 -
Ezequiel Adeodato Chávez Lavista
19.9.1868–2.12.1946 -
Pineles-Herzig tombstone at the Vienna Central Cemetery (detail)
Georg (Geo) Semler
1861–1.9.1937 -
Dismissal of political enemies at the University of Vienna during Austrofascism
1933–1938 -
Fritz Knoll, portrait as rector of the University of Vienna (1938–1943), in front of a curtain with swastika-onaments (detail)
Detail of the memorial of Marie Jahoda in the Arkadenhof (arcaded courtyard) of the University of Vienna (artist: Catrin Bolt)
Abusive poem against Friedrich Maassen, in Wiener Caricaturen, 24 June 1883
“Von der Universität”, newspaper article in “Neue Freie Presse”, 24 February 1888
“Preßprozeß der alten ‘Presse’”, newspaper article in “Neues Fremdenblatt”, 24 May 1865
Franz Pöchhacker
1962 -
„Amsterdamsch Studenten Corps“
1841 -
Otto Schneid
30.1.1900–1974 -
Klaus Kaindl
Eduard Suess
20.8.1831–26.4.1914 -
Charlotte Kornek
10.7.1926–2.12.2008 -
Walter Schrammel
5.5.1947 - 1