Josef Weinheber bei der Verleihung des Ehrendoktorats Critical review of the University of Vienna's honors practice in 2022/23 12.2021–6.2023 2 Articles
Sitzstreik Wiener Studierender vor dem Unterrichtsministerium gegen die Erhöhung der Studiengebühren Students and teachers as political actors in the 19th and 20th centuries 1848–2009 Teachers and students of the University of Vienna acted as political actors in manifold ways during the 19th and 20th centuries.12 Articles
Austrofaschistischer Doppeladler von Wilhelm Bormann, Originalausstattung des Auditorium Maximum 1936 Dismissal of political enemies at the University of Vienna during Austrofascism 1933–1938 Compared to the dismissals and forced retirements of teachers during National Socialism, the years of Austrofascism are seen only as...
Hochschullager in Rotholz University camps under Austrofascism 1935–1937 With the Hochschulerziehungsgesetz (university education law) of 1935, the Austrofascist government introduced university summer camps, so-called “ Hochschullager ”. These...