
Gedenkbaum Rektorat Engl (2022)

Courtesy: Private Archive Herbert Posch, Vienna Originator: Herbert Posch

In the fall of 2022, the University of Vienna presented a memorial and commemorative tree with the dedication base text as a tribute: "This antler tree (Gymnocladus dioica) was planted in honor and in grateful memory of the Rectorates 2011-2022 Rector Heinz W. Engl and the Vice Rectors Heinz Faßmann, Regina Hitzenberger, Roland Maier, Christa Schnabl, Karl Schwaha, Jean Robert Tyran, Susanne Weigelin Schwiedrzik," planted in courtyard 1 on the campus. The tree is located on the path parallel to Alser Straße opposite the Research Center for the History of Translation (door 1.1.4).
