Main Topics
Split into seven main topics encompassing the 650 years of university history, you can find topics that include such subjects as the university’s deed of foundation, the 1848 revolution, denazification and open access to the university. A total of 24 topics with more than 41 articles in English containing detailed information offer a comprehensive overview of the history of the University of Vienna.
__Breaks, crises and conflicts
__University locations
__Organizational structures in historical transition
__Science and study
__University cultures
__Regional – Global
Breaks, crises and conflicts
With its 650 years of history, the University of Vienna is one of the oldest and most influential institutions in Austria. The fact that it has continuously existed as a site of higher education, scholarship and science since the late Middle Ages until today can easily lead to a perception of continuities in its history. In fact, however, the university’s history is riddled with breaks, new beginnings, existence-threatening crises and phases of stagnation. Political and religious conflicts that were fought on academic ground as well as societal change influenced its ...Read more
University cultures
In its 650 years of history various traditions have developed and were used for representational purposes at the University of Vienna. Apart from old traditions that date back to the Middle Ages such as the university’s insignia, this includes monuments which have especially shaped the University of Vienna’s Main Building with the arcaded courtyard as a memorial to Austrian scientific history. Some of these monuments have remained topics of public discussion until today. Academic celebrations – including anniversaries of the foundation of the university – and tributes to laureates can ...Read more
Organizational structures in historical transition
An organizational framework was already formed in the University of Vienna’s deed of foundation in 1365. Its basic provisions, following the example of the University of Paris, remained valid for centuries with only few modifications. Only in the course of the reforms of the 19th and 20th century was this “university constitution” de facto invalidated. Nevertheless, the medieval terminology (faculty, rector, dean) is still used at the University of Vienna today, as it is at many other universities.Read more
University locations
The university’s accommodations were already considered at its foundation in 1365: A whole neighborhood inside the city walls, called “Pfaffenstadt” (priest city) was reserved for the university. This ambitious plan could not be realized, however. With the Duke’s College (collegium ducale), the university received its own building inside the city as late as 1385. It was located near the Stubentor, where partially newly built, partially purchased buildings were soon added. In the 17th century the Society of Jesus replaced it with a completely new, large university complex: the Academic College. ...Read more
Science and study
Science and study have always been the university’s key responsibilities. However, how this was interpreted was always subject to changing conditions. Apart from working and teaching methods this also concerns the topics and questions of university teaching and research. In the course of the differentiation of the various disciplines a wide variety of new subjects and areas of study developed – particularly at the Faculty of Philosophy. Even after achieving freedom of teaching and study in the aftermath of the 1848 revolution, institutions outside of the university remained influencing factors. ...Read more
In its beginnings, the university was a legally privileged association of people, the “ universitas magistrorum et scholarium ” (community of teachers and students). The egalitarian ideal represented in this term was never really fulfilled. Instead, the university was a differentiated organism of individuals and groups who were distinguished by age, graduation, status, gender, affiliation to various university bodies and other criteria. They have influenced the history of the University of Vienna in so many ways in the past 650 years that only select examples can be presented.Read more
Regional – Global
Today, internationality is the mark of a modern research university. The University of Vienna understands itself as an international university with global cooperations and programs for incoming and outgoing mobility of its teaching staff. Student exchange within the European university network is encouraged with large-scale mobility programs. In the Middle Ages, the University of Vienna already was a hub for mobility among Central European students and teachers. The peregrinatio academica was an integrative part of the university system. The crisis of the universities in the 16th century and the transformation ...Read more
All topics view all topics
Studying in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Age
An early “mass university”
The beginnings of the Alma Mater Rudolphina
Freedom of Teaching and Learning
The University Library
1365–2015 -
The university’s leadership from the 14th to the 19th century
1365–19th Cent. -
Women at the University of Vienna
1365–2022 -
University foundations
1384–1784 -
Study costs in the Middle Ages and the early Modern Age
15th Cent.–16th Cent. -
“Fossen” and “Partekenfresser”
15th Cent.–16th Cent. -
Bursae and coderies
15th Cent.–16th Cent. -
15th Cent.–20th Cent. -
Anti-Semitism at the University of Vienna
1421–2006 -
Renaissance humanism at the University of Vienna
1450–1550 -
University reforms under Ferdinand I.
1521–1554 -
The Society of Jesus and the University of Vienna
1551–1773 -
Science at the University of Vienna from the 18th to the 19th century
18th Cent.–19th Cent. -
The university as „Hohe Schule“
1790–1848 -
Students and teachers as political actors in the 19th and 20th centuries
1848–2009 -
„What approaches with bold strides?“
1848 -
Honors of the University of Vienna
1858–21th Cent. -
Universitas semper reformanda
1873–2004 -
The main building of the University of Vienna on the Ringstraße
1884–2015 -
Dealing with National Socialism after 1945
Breaks, crises and conflicts | 14 Themen |
University cultures | 7 Themen |
Organizational structures in historical transition | 11 Themen |
University locations | 4 Themen |
Science and study | 13 Themen |
Actors | 6 Themen |
Regional – Global | 5 Themen |