Erna Lesky (geb. Klingenstein), Univ.-Prof. DDr.

22.5.1911 – 17.11.1986
born in Hartberg, Austria died in Innsbruck, Austria

Medical historian, doctor, librarian, archivist and head of the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Vienna


Ehrung Titel Datierung Fakultät
Gate of Remembrance Lesky-Tor 1998/99 (until 2023/24) Faculty of Humanities

Erna Lesky wurde 1998 für ihre wissenschaftlichen Verdienste durch die Benennung eines der „Tore der Erinnerung“ am Campus der Universität Wien nach ihr und ihrem Mann Albin Lesky geehrt (Lesky-Tor, Durchgang von Hof 3 zu Hof 13, bei „Narrenturm“). Der Senat der Universität Wien beschloss im November 2023, die Ehrung im Zuge der Neugestaltung der „Tore der Erinnerung“ aufgrund der aktiven Involvierung des Ehepaares Lesky in den Nationalsozialismus nicht weiter fortzuführen.

Erna Lesky was honored for her academic achievements in 1998 by naming one of the "Gates of Remembrance" on the campus of the University of Vienna after her and her husband Albin Lesky (Lesky Gate, passageway from Courtyard 3 to Courtyard 13, near "Narrenturm"). In November 2023, the Senate of the University of Vienna decided to discontinue the honor as part of the redesign of the "Gates of Remembrance" due to the active involvement of the Lesky couple in National Socialism.

The honor is classified as "problematic" in 2022/23 due to Erna Lesky's involvement in National Socialism. As a young doctor, Lesky was involved in the League of German Girls (BDM), was a member of the NSDAP (as was her husband Albin Lesky) and from 1940 to 1945 was the medical director of a "Mother and Child" home of the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV), was the infant and child welfare officer for the Tyrol-Vorarlberg region, an active member of the "NS-Frauenschaft", the "Deutsches Frauenwerk" and the "NSD-Ärztebund".

> Short biography in German

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 04/17/24
