Giselher Guttmann, Prof. Dr.
born in Wien, Austria
Dean | Faculty of Philosophy | 1975/76 |
Dean | Faculty of Integrative Studies | 1976/77 |
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Integrative Studies
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 03/23/24
Dean Giselher Guttmann and rector Franz Seitelberger at the Collatio academica of the "Universitätsbund Alma Mater Rudolphina", 1976
Festveranstaltung im Großen Festsaal der Universität Wien
Awarding of the honorary doctorate of the University of Vienna to Viktor Frankl, Laudatio for Frankl by Giselher Guttmann
Awarding of the honorary doctorate from the University of Vienna to Viktor Frankl, presentation of the diploma by Giselher Guttmann