Hertha Firnberg, Dr. phil.
18.9.1909 – 14.2.1994
born in Wien, Austria
died in Wien, Austria
SPÖ politician, Minister of Science 1970-1983
- Economic and Social History
- Faculty of Philosophy
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 04/04/24
Student demonstration against university politics on 4 December 1970
Demonstranten mit einer Kuh und Tafel mit dem Slogan: "Ist Hochschulpolitik Kuhhandel?" und Tafel "Hochschulpleitegeier schlägt zu + Karikatur von...
Federal Minister Hertha Firnberg congratulates Anna Freud on the honorary doctorate of the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna
Federal Minister of Science and Research Hertha Firnberg at the University Ball in 1974/1975
Federal Minister of Science and Research Hertha Firnberg at the University Ball in 1974/1975
Former rector Günther Winkler (1929–2024) with Federal Minister Hertha Firnberg (1909–1994) on the shell contruction of the Juridicum 1979/80
80th birthday of Karl Fellinger, in the background Hertha Firnberg and Theodor Piffl-Percevic
Hans Mayr and Helmut Zilk at the appointment as honorary senators of the University of Vienna
im Hintergrund u.a. Hertha Firnberg , Hans Tuppy
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