Josef Hupka, o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. jur.
22.2.1875 – 23.4.1944
born in Wien, Austria
died in Ghetto Theresienstadt | Terezín, Czech Republic
Ehrung | Titel | Datierung | Fakultät | |
Room Name | Josef-Hupka-Zimmer | 2015 | Faculty of Law |
Senator | Faculty of Law and State | 1925/26 |
Dean | Faculty of Law and State | 1926/27 |
- Legal Science
- Commercial and Exchange Law
- Roman Law
- Faculty of Law and State
> Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon
> Wikipedia
> (Naming of the Josef-Hupka-Zimmer 2015)
Katharina Kniefacz
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 02/06/25