Karl Rudolf Wernhart, o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c.
born in Wien, Austria
Ehrung | Titel | Datierung | Fakultät | |
Badge of Honor | Ehrenzeichen gold | 1994/95 |
Dean | Faculty of Integrative Studies | 1985/86–1986/87 |
Dean | Faculty of Integrative Studies | 1987/88 |
Rector | 1989/90–1990/91 |
- Ethnology
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Faculty of Integrative Studies
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10/07/24
Karl Rudolf Wernhart as dean
Awarding ceremony of the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Vienna to Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl mit Rektor Wilhelm Holczabek und Dekan Karl Wernhart
Deans and rector at the appointment ceremony of Hans Mayr and Helmut Zilk as honorary senators of the University of Vienna
v.l.n.r.: Dekan Schindler , Dekan Greisenegger , Dekan Schrammel , Dekan Niederwimmer , Rektor Ebenbauer , Rektor Wernhart , Dekan Kraupp , Dekan...
Awarding ceremony of the Honorary Doctorate of the University of Vienna to Albert Drach by Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler
in Anwesenheit von Rektor Alfred Ebenbauer und Prof. Dr. Karl R. Wernhart sowie Universitätsdirektor HR Dipl.Ing. Dr. Franz Skacel
Appointment ceremony of Kurt Schubert as honorary senator of the University of Vienna by rector Karl Wernhart and Hans Tuppy
Verleihung der Ehrensenatorenwürde an Kurt Schubert durch Rektor Karl Wernhart und Hans Tuppy
Rectors and deans at the appointment ceremony of Ernst Hiesmayr as honorary senator of the University of Vienna
1. Reihe v.l.n.r.: Altrektor ___, Othmar Preining , Rektor Holczabek , Dekan Brauneder , Dekan Wernhart , Dekan ___, Dekan Kubelka