Wilhelm Fleischhacker, o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. h.c.
12.9.1931 – 19.7.2024
Dean | Faculty of Natural Sciences | 1991/92–1992/93 |
Dean | Faculty of Natural Sciences | 1993/94–1994/95 |
Dean | Faculty of Natural Sciences | 1995/96–1996/97 |
Dean | Faculty of Natural Sciences | 1997/98–1998/99 |
Dean | Faculty of Natural Sciences | 1999 |
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 07/25/24
Wilhelm Fleischhacker, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Dean Wilhelm Fleischhacker at the appointment of Hans Mayr and Helmut Zilk as Honorary Senators of the University of Vienna
Dekan Wilhelm Fleischhacker bei der Ernennung von Hans Mayr und Helmut Zilk zu Ehrensenatoren der Universität Wien
Deans and rector at the appointment ceremony of Hans Mayr and Helmut Zilk as honorary senators of the University of Vienna
v.l.n.r.: Dekan Schindler , Dekan Greisenegger , Dekan Schrammel , Dekan Niederwimmer , Rektor Ebenbauer , Rektor Wernhart , Dekan Kraupp , Dekan...