A complete listing of the structured contents of this plattform
Breaks, crises and conflicts
The beginnings of the Alma Mater Rudolphina
“Fossen” and “Partekenfresser” (15th Cent.–16th Cent.)
Anti-Semitism at the University of Vienna (1421–2006)
- “Furor teutonicus and racial hate”
- Student corporations in the 19th and 20th century
- The “Bärenhöhle” – a secret anti-Semitic group of professors in the inter-war period
- The Gleispach’sche Studentenordnung (Gleispach Student Regulation)
- Terror against the Anatomical Institute of Julius Tandler
- Die „Arisierung“ des Arkadenhofs
- Die Borodajkewycz-Affäre 1965
University reforms under Ferdinand I. (1521–1554)
The Society of Jesus and the University of Vienna (1551–1773)
„What approaches with bold strides?“ (1848)
Dealing with National Socialism after 1945 (1945–2015)
Science and study
Freedom of Teaching and Learning
Studying in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Age
Study costs in the Middle Ages and the early Modern Age (15th Cent.–16th Cent.)
Renaissance humanism at the University of Vienna (1450–1550)
Science at the University of Vienna from the 18th to the 19th century (18th Cent.–19th Cent.)
The university as „Hohe Schule“ (1790–1848)
Women at the University of Vienna (1365–2022)
Students and teachers as political actors in the 19th and 20th centuries (1848–2009)
- Student corporations in the 19th and 20th century
- Terror against the Anatomical Institute of Julius Tandler
- Dismissal of political enemies at the University of Vienna during Austrofascism
- Expulsion of teachers and students in 1938
- External restructuring by the “Führer-principle” and National Socialist officials
- The de-Nazification of the professorate at the University of Vienna
Andreas Huber
- Gottfried Haberler, Prof. DDr. Dr. h.c.
- Egon Ranzi, Prof. Dr.
- Johann Schima, Prof. Dr. jur., Dr. h.c.
- Robert Kienböck, ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
- Gerhart Ladner, Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil.
- Richard Balthasar Wasicky, Prof. Dr.
- Friedrich Reuter, Prof. Dr.
- Friedrich Engel-Jánosi, Prof. Dr. phil.
- Kurt Gödel, Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. h.c.
- Josef Lehner, Prof. Dr.
- Franz Arnold, Prof. DDr.
- Oskar Morgenstern, o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Dr. jur. h.c.
- Wilhelm Schmidt, Prof. Dr.
- Berthold Hatschek, Prof. Dr.
- Erwin Schrödinger, Prof. Dr.
- Oskar Pisko, Prof. Dr.
- Karl Fellinger, Prof. Dr.
- Nikolai Sergejewitsch von Trubetzkoy, Prof. Dr.
- Willibald Plöchl, Prof. Dr.
Andreas Huber and Rupert Klieber
Bernhard Weidinger
Christina Köstner-Pemsel, Markus Stumpf
Daniela Angetter-Pfeiffer, Ulrike Denk, Nina Knieling
Doris Ingrisch
Felicitas Seebacher
Friedrich Stadler
Günter Bräuhofer, Thomas Posch
Hans Pfefferle, Roman Pfefferle
Herbert Karner
Herbert Posch
- Gertraut Ehrmann-Binder, Dr. med.
- Penina Gottfried
- Hans Tietze, Prof. Dr.
- Juridicum
- DENK-MAL Marpe Lanefesch
- Ernst Boehringer, Dr., Dr. h.c.
- Viktor Satke, Dr. med.
- Victoria Lilly Pfleger-Schwarz, Doz. Dr.
- Ekkehard Weber, em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr.
- NIG | The New Institute Building
- Ehrensenator*innen der Universität Wien
- Egon Wellesz, Dr.
- Erica Tietze-Conrat, Dr. phil.
- Kurt Horeischy, Univ.-Ass. Dr.
- Friedrich Adamek, Dr.
- „Nobel Prize and University of Vienna – Group picture with question mark“
- Bartholomäus Ritter von Carneri
- AudiMax
- Richard Schüller, Dr. Dr. h.c.
- Wolf Frühauf, Dr.
- Leopold Bauer, Prof.
- Max Dvořák, Prof.
- Muriel Gardiner Buttinger, Dr. med.
- Hans Vollmar, Univ.-Ass. Dr.
- Gates of Remembrance on the Campus of the University of Vienna
- Marianne Beth (geb. Weisl), Dr. phil. Dr. jur.
Herbert Posch, Katharina Kniefacz, Ulrike Denk, Nina Knieling, Thomas Maisel
Herbert Posch, Martina Fuchs
Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal
Ingrid Matschinegg
Johann Kirchknopf
Johannes Seidl
K.A. Fröschl, G. Haring, M. Bociurko
Karl Schwarz
Katharina Kniefacz
- Dealing with National Socialism after 1945
- Doris Oppenheim, verh. Liffmann (Liffman)
- The first habilitations of women at the University of Vienna
- Jacques (Jakob) Pollak, tit. o. Prof. Dr.
- Friedrich Feigl, Univ.-Prof. Dr. tech.
- Julius Bauer, ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr.
- Students and teachers as political actors in the 19th and 20th centuries
- External restructuring by the “Führer-principle” and National Socialist officials
- Rose Rand, Prof. Dr.
- Hans Hoff, Prof. Dr.
- Edmund Groag, tit. ao. Univ.-Prof., Dr. phil.
- Albert Ehrenzweig jun., Prof. Dr. jur.
- Josef Hupka, o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. jur.
- University jubilees
- Anti-Semitism at the University of Vienna
- Norbert Jokl, tit. ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil.
- The Gleispach’sche Studentenordnung (Gleispach Student Regulation)
- Hans Thirring, Prof. Dr.
- Internal restructuring towards National Socialist science
- Ernst Peter Pick, Prof. Dr.
Katharina Kniefacz, Herbert Posch
- Expulsion of teachers and students in 1938
- Honors of the University of Vienna
- Felix Mandl, ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr.
- Hans Popper, Prof. Dr.
- “The Muse has had it”
- The rectors’ plaque in the University of Vienna’s main building on the Ring
- Memorial Book for the Victims of National Socialism at the University of Vienna in 1938
- Grete Mostny, Prof. Dr. phil.
- Elise Richter, tit. ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil.
Katharina Kniefacz, Kurt Mühlberger
Katharina Kniefacz, Thomas Maisel
Klaus Taschwer
Kurt Mühlberger
- Renate Wagner-Rieger, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
- Maximilian Hell (Höll)
- Renaissance humanism at the University of Vienna
- Josef von Sonnenfels, Univ.-Prof. Dr. art. lib., Dr. phil., Dr. jur.
- The university as „Hohe Schule“
- The beginnings of the Alma Mater Rudolphina
- Enea Silvio Piccolomini (Papst Pius II.)
- Georg Aunpekh von Peuerbach, Mag. art.
- The Society of Jesus and the University of Vienna
- Freedom of Teaching and Learning
Kurt Mühlberger, Thomas Maisel
Maria Wirth
Nina Knieling
Sonia Horn, Thomas Maisel
Stefan Alker, Markus Stumpf
Tamara Ehs
Tamara Ehs, Andreas Huber
Thomas Maisel
- Charlotte Bühler (geb. Malachowski), tit. ao. Prof. Dr. phil
- “Fossen” and “Partekenfresser”
- „What approaches with bold strides?“
- University foundations
- The Arkadenhof (arcaded courtyard) in the main building of the University of Vienna
- Sibylle Bolla-Kotek, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
- Heiliger Johannes
- Sigmund Freud, tit. o. Prof. Dr.
- Universitas semper reformanda
- Martha Stephanie (Steffy) Browne (Braun), Prof. Dr.
- Karl Menger, Prof. Dr.
- Anna Freud, Dr.
- Science at the University of Vienna from the 18th to the 19th century
- Carl Menger von Wolfensgrün, Prof. Dr.
- Marie Jahoda, Dr.
- Karl Bühler, Univ.-Prof. DDr.
- Franz Romeo Seligmann, Univ.-Prof. Dr.